Sell your trades to a nationwide
network of buyers

Sell fast

Average vehicle sells in less than 1 day, so your lot is always clean

Absolute Sale: increase visibility and buyer engagement by committing to sell your vehicle today

Absolute Sale: Sell fast

Reach farther

80% of vehicles sell outside the seller’s region

Audience Boost: multiple sale formats to maximize buyer views

Audience Boost: Reach farther

Earn more

Lower fees combined with our broad buyer network means higher net yield for you

Elite Dealer Program: enjoy extra savings and help buyers find your vehicles more easily

Elite Seller Program: Earn more

Easy Guaranteed

You focus on selling,
we handle the rest

A dedicated team
to call your own

A tailored BlueLane account team focused on your business needs — just one phone call, text or email away

Inspections roof to rims, bumper-to-bumper

Thorough, AI-enhanced inspections by seasoned pros to boost buyer confidence (and bids) on your cars

Set it and forget it controls with autopilot

Personalized workflows that automate dealworking, saving you time (and money)

Cars off your lot,
for good!

With Seller Guard™, our seller protection, you won’t have to deal with arbs for nearly all the vehicles you sell

All this for the lowest fees

All this for the
lowest fees

  • Only pay for what you sell

    No inspection, listing or transport fees to offer your cars for sale

  • Most competitive fees* in the industry

    You’ll save money when selling on OPENLANE

  • The more you sell, the more you save

    Enjoy extra savings as you sell with our exclusive Elite Seller Program

* based on a survey of publicly available competitor base fee
schedules as of July 19, 2024

Michael Hernandez, South Austin Nissan
I’ve been able to be at two places at once without skipping a beat. Michael Hernandez, South Austin Nissan
Dane Babbit, Sterling McCall Lexus
I know, for sure, 100% that car will be gone this afternoon Dane Babbit, Sterling McCall Lexus
Vince Gonzalez, Boerne Dodge
I’ve been able to completely change
my life.
Vince Gonzalez, Boerne Dodge